

  赵军圣 博士、教授、硕士研究生导师,主要从事数学、数据科学与大数据技术的教学工作和非线性\随机系统分析与控制、神经网络学习算法等方面的研究工作。








  [1]Junsheng Zhao, Bingxin Zhang, Dengxiu Yu*. Prescribed Performance-Based Switching Tracking Algorithm for DC-DC Buck Power Converter with Non-affine Input and Stochastic Disturbance,IEEE Transactions on Systems,Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2024,DOI: 10.1109

  /TSMC.2024.3515040. (中科院一区)

  [2] Junsheng Zhao*, Yaqi Gu, Zong-yao Sun. Actor-Critic-Disturbance Reinforcement Learning

  Algorithm-based Fast Finite-Time Stability of Multiagent Systems, Information Sciences, , 2024, DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2024.121802 (中科院一区)

  [3]Haina Zhao, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-yao Sun, Dengxiu Yu. Event-triggered-based fuzzy adaptive tracking control for stochastic nonlinear systems against multiple constraints, Fuzzy sets and systems, 2024,DOI:10.1016/j.fss.2024.109253. (中科院一区)

  [4]Yaqi Gu, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-Yao Sun, Xiangpeng Xie. Reinforcement learning-based optimized multi-agent finite-time optimal synchronisation control and its application to the harmonic oscillator, Nonlinear Dynamics,2024(112):13175-1318.(中科院二区)

  [50]Lifang Qiu, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-Yao Sun, Xiangpeng Xie. Practically fast finite-time stability of stochastic constrained nonlinear systems with actuato rdead zone, Communications in Nonlinear Science  and Numerical  Simulation, 2024, 139: 108293. (中科院二区)

  [6]Lifang Qiu, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-Yao Sun, Xiangpeng Xie. Predefined-time stabilization of stochastic nonlinear systems with application to UAVs. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 131:323-343, 2024.(中科院二区)

  [7]Mengqing Cheng, Junsheng Zhao*, Xiangpeng Xie, Zong-yao Sun. A novel finite-time stability criteria and controller design for nonlinear impulsive systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation,479,128876, 2024.DOI:10.1016j.amc.2024.128876(中科院二区)

  [8]Xuejing Zhao, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-yao Sun. Command filtered adaptive fuzzy event-triggered control for stochastic time-delay nonlinear system with time-varying output constraints, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, Doi:10.1002/rnc.7852(中科院三区)

  [9]Xuejing Zhao, Junsheng Zhao*,Wei Sun, Zong-yao Sun. Fast finite-time stabilization of stochastic nonlinear systems with output constraints and an application to single-link robot, Asian Journal of Control, 2024,DOI :10.1002/asjc.3533.(中科院四区)

  [10]Shanyuan Xu, Chenglong Zhu, Junsheng Zhao*, Zong-yao Sun. A Novel Practical Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Strategy of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems, International Journal Of Fuzzy Sets, Accepted, 2025. (中科院三区)




  联系方式:0635-8238282    zhaojunsheng@lcu.edu.c

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